Norfolk Framework Agreement

The Norfolk Framework Agreement – A Game Changer for Public Sector Procurement

The Norfolk Framework Agreement (NFA) is a procurement strategy that has been gaining traction in the public sector. It is designed to simplify the procurement process, reduce costs, and enhance collaboration between public sector organizations. The NFA has been adopted by various organizations in Norfolk county, and it is quickly becoming a game changer for public sector procurement in the United Kingdom.

What is the Norfolk Framework Agreement?

The NFA is a collaborative procurement framework that enables public sector organizations to procure goods and services in an efficient and cost-effective manner. It is intended for use by any public sector organization in Norfolk county and has been developed to streamline the procurement process and reduce the administrative burden that comes with it.

The NFA is a flexible agreement that allows public sector organizations to tailor their procurement needs to meet their specific requirements. It covers a wide range of goods and services, including but not limited to, construction, IT, and professional services.

How does the Norfolk Framework Agreement work?

The NFA works by bringing together public sector organizations to collaborate in the procurement of goods and services. It streamlines the procurement process, reduces costs, and increases efficiency. The NFA operates through a two-stage procurement process.

Stage one involves the creation of a pre-qualified list of suppliers. This list is created after a rigorous selection process that ensures that only competent and experienced suppliers are included. Once the pre-qualified list is in place, public sector organizations can then access it and request quotes from suppliers as and when required.

Stage two involves a mini-competition process, where all pre-qualified suppliers are invited to bid for work. This process ensures that the best value for money is achieved. The NFA provides a fully compliant and transparent procurement process, ensuring that public sector organizations are able to procure goods and services within the confines of EU procurement regulations.

What are the benefits of the Norfolk Framework Agreement?

The NFA offers a range of benefits for public sector organizations in Norfolk county. These benefits include:

1. Cost savings – The NFA streamlines the procurement process, reducing administrative costs and increasing efficiency. It also enables public sector organizations to benefit from economies of scale and negotiate better pricing with suppliers.

2. Collaboration – The NFA encourages collaboration between public sector organizations, enabling them to share expertise, knowledge, and resources.

3. Compliance – The NFA provides a fully compliant and transparent procurement process, ensuring that public sector organizations are able to procure goods and services within the confines of EU procurement regulations.

4. Flexibility – The NFA is a flexible agreement that allows public sector organizations to tailor their procurement needs to meet their specific requirements.

5. Quality – The NFA ensures that only competent and experienced suppliers are included in the pre-qualified list, guaranteeing quality and reducing the risk of supplier failures.


The Norfolk Framework Agreement is a collaborative procurement strategy that is quickly becoming a game changer in the public sector procurement space. It streamlines the procurement process, reduces costs, and enhances collaboration between public sector organizations. The NFA provides a fully compliant and transparent procurement process, ensuring that public sector organizations are able to procure goods and services within the confines of EU procurement regulations. The NFA offers a range of benefits, including cost savings, collaboration, compliance, flexibility, and quality. Public sector organizations in Norfolk county that adopt the NFA are well placed to enjoy these benefits and transform their procurement processes.