Business Life Cycle: The Main Stages and Their Challenges Temok Hosting Blog

Marketing expenses are likely to be a significant proportion of your spending. As a business owner, the startup stage is usually characterized by featuring no money and no sleep. In other words, you will be putting a lot of time and effort stages of a business life cycle in order into getting your business off the ground, knowing that profits are still a long way away and you need to get some funding. It’s important to remind yourself that this is normal in the first stage and not a reason to throw in the towel.

Apple revolutionized personal technology with the introduction of the Macintosh in 1984. Today, Apple leads the world in innovation with iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple Watch, and Apple TV. Apple’s more than 100,000 employees are dedicated to making the best products on earth, and to leaving the world better than we found it. During this stage, children continue to develop independence and competence and increasingly exert influence on their environment.

What Are The 5 Stages Of A Company Life Cycle?

Being aware of what stage of the business life cycle you’re at can help with anticipating what’s coming around the bend. A business life cycle is a cyclical representation of the stages an average business goes through from seeding to decline and renewal. Growth slows down, and the sales grow at a very steady level closer to the industry or economic growth rate. There still is a high level of sales growth, but the bottom line outgrows the top line. As the firm becomes more efficient, the margins start expanding while the expenses begin to decrease.

Having reached growth and maturity within just eight years, Blockbuster was subject to a merger worth $8.4 billion in 1994. We will also identify examples and discuss the most important areas to focus on during each stage of the life cycle. The evolution stage of the organization occurs when the company understands that it loses competitive capacity. If a company has the strength and capabilities, it begins to fight for its existence and moves on to a strategy of business diversification, innovation and new acquisitions.


Usually, at this stage, it is a combination of both internal accruals and debt funding. In the final stage of the funding life cycle, sales begin to decline at an accelerating rate. This decline in sales portrays the companies’ inability to adapt to changing business environments and extend their life cycles. At launch, when sales are the lowest, business risk is the highest.

By the time they decide to sell, their business isn’t worth much to potential buyers. If you decide to reinvest in the business, talk with sales and marketing to figure out how to pivot to meet changes in the market. You might need to modify your current offering to meet the needs of new customers or innovate a completely new business. It’s important to have an exit strategy, whether you intend to sell your business or merge with another company. Although some well-known brands have been going strong for decades — some for a century or more — most businesses going on forever. This could involve making wholesale changes to your product offering to gain a bigger market.

Decline Stage

Since revenue growth has slowed, you must compensate by reducing your expenses. This reduction can be achieved by revisiting the business expenses, such as marketing, inventory, and general operating expenses. Additionally, since overall revenue is higher, business owners can afford continuous marketing. Key advertising platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ad Manager can bring in even more business, so revenue continues to increase. Business aims, strategies and objectives are not set in stone – they change as your business and the surrounding market change.

  • Existing client relationships should be maturing past the three- to four-year mark.
  • During the growth stage, a business is making moderate investments in its product or service while continuing to focus on expanding its customer base.
  • You might be able to self-fund your business, get investments from friends and family, or apply for government grants.
  • Every business falls somewhere on this spectrum and many owners never take the time to identify where they are and take action.
  • This is what we call the “shake-out” stage in the business life cycle.
  • At the startup stage of the business lifecycle, you’ll need funding from investors, banks or your own back pocket.

During this phase, companies accept their failure to extend their business life cycle by adapting to the changing business environment. Firms lose their competitive advantage and finally exit the market. As sales increase rapidly, businesses start seeing profit once they pass the break-even point. However, as the profit cycle still lags behind the sales cycle, the profit level is not as high as sales. Finally, the cash flow during the growth phase becomes positive, representing an excess cash inflow. In Stage 4 of the business life cycle, a company may have reached its peak and is beginning to decline.

Additionally, you can automate repetitive tasks and schedule updates, saving valuable time. You can easily manage access to your data, assign tasks and monitor progress, and automatically share reports with your team and other interested parties. Regardless of how many stages you feel more comfortable working with, you will need different types of software to help you pull this off. Fortunately, you have great tools available to help you execute and manage your business. Accurately recording and analyzing your financial data is extremely important, and tools like Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel are of great help. How to create a business budget, the different budgeting approaches, and tips from top CFOs to ensure a structured and productive budgeting process.

In the growth phase, your clients should be able to explain your business model to other prospects. Existing client relationships should be maturing past the three- to four-year mark. Turnover should be decreasing and you should no longer be worried about making payroll and keeping employees.