What Is Chatbot Marketing? Benefits, Examples & Tips

benefits of chatbot marketing

And the most sophisticated ones are an investment that not every company needs or can afford. However, even the simplest chatbot can be invaluable to your business and make your website more welcoming. 75% of consumers want access to a fully self-serve customer care option.

  • David Cancel is the CEO of the leading chatbot development company, Drift.
  • To make use of the free delivery offers, customers may try purchasing more than what their original purchase was.
  • The flexible structure of chatbots makes them extremely easy to integrate with other platforms, increasing customer engagement in return.
  • The same survey also discovered that 79% of people prefer live chat over other channels, and 55% would choose to use chatbots if it was available.
  • This is especially useful as Juniper’s research projects that chatbot-based spending will increase from $7.3 billion in 2019 to $112 billion by 2023.
  • While AI is extremely useful in automating many business processes, you don’t want to leave anything to chance.

Serving as the lead content strategist, Snigdha helps the customer service teams to leverage the right technology along with AI to deliver exceptional and memorable customer experiences. So, your business needs the plan to get the most out of bots in terms of lead generation, customer insights, onboarding, and customer support scalability. Sign up to get a powerful bot for your support team and start delivering value to customers.


The brand reduced their cost per conversion by more than half — from $8.30 to $4.06 —and got a 10x return on ad spend. Visitors can ask for help on specific problems and chatbots will provide personalized answers that guide users to the correct information. Or, if the visitor isn’t looking to solve a specific problem, chatbots can help increase their session duration by asking them a few questions and recommending relevant content.

benefits of chatbot marketing

We all know employee happiness reduces hiring costs as well as attracts the best talent, hence caring how your employees feel about their job is actually key to business success. With a few simple questions, customers can get their own personalised playlist recommendations based on preferred styles, what they’re doing, or even their mood. You can also choose to share these directly with your Facebook contacts through Messenger. This serves as a quick and easy form of organic marketing for Spotify, alongside allowing customers to get the most out of the music platform in an incredibly engaging and personalised way.

What is Chatbot Marketing? Meaning, Benefits, Examples & Tips

Also, assign one of your employees to maintain and improve the chatbot. Even though it might seem like it, chatbots are not all rainbows and unicorns. And you should be aware of those when thinking about implementing metadialog.com bots into your business. Chatbots have emerged as a valuable gem in the dazzling world of digital marketing. One can say that digital marketing has become the main form of marketing in the new post covid times.

  • Online business owners should regularly test and update the AI chatbots, because as good as they are, they can sometimes ask obtrusive questions that jeopardize the customers’ privacy.
  • They may also feel more comfortable chatting with the service bot directly on a web page.
  • Answer the questions, and you’ll be offered a suggestion for the plan that fits you best, plus the opportunity to chat with someone from our team to learn more.
  • Chatbots for marketing can do that at any time of the day, as well as provide suggestions and offers to increase the chances of a sale.
  • In turn, you’ll end up ranking higher for key search terms that are relevant to solving problems within your specific target audience.
  • A study by IBM suggests that AI-infused virtual agents or chatbots can reduce customer support costs by 30%.

Soon, chatbots will evolve into voice bots and have more human-like features. ECommerce businesses are getting more digitized, and chatbot is the new cool guy in the marketplace! An online store selling clothes, food, home decor, etc. can apply a bot-text service to make sales right on the chatbox. She is a social-humanoid robot who can keep up a conversation with a human being.

Get Constant Improvement Over Time With Machine Learning

One of the key reasons chatbots are becoming popular is that chatbots are easy to implement. In most cases, it is just a quick install, and once done, visitors can start interacting with them. Although a few platforms can be a little complex when compared to others, it isn’t hard to set them up. Chatbots help in automating tasks are to be executed often and at a specific time.

  • A marketing chatbot’s primary functions are to assist clients, tailor their experience, provide suggestions, and ultimately boost revenue.
  • Let’s say your initial conversation pathway expected users to view Product A after a conversation, but most of them were more interested in Product B.
  • Customers do not have to wait for the next available operator, as they receive instant replies to their queries from the bot.
  • Estimated to save USD 8 billion per annum by 2022, chatbots are completely transforming the way businesses connect with existing and prospective customers.
  • The good news is that there are many tools and resources available online that can help you create and manage your own chatbot, without requiring much technical or coding skills.
  • The first successful use case for chatbot Messenger marketing is Lego’s Christmas newsletter campaign.

Chatbots for small businesses are cost-efficient and reduce support ticket maintenance and Ochatbot has a pricing plan for small businesses as well. A CRM (Customer Relationship Management) integrated chatbot connects online businesses to thousands of CRM systems. Chatbots help your business by allowing online shoppers to add items to the cart instantaneously, while still having a conversation. Thus, online shoppers will not tend to leave the chat window while adding products to the cart. This is crucial, as cart abandonment is one of the major issues that every eCommerce is facing. Chatbots reduce cart abandonment and increase sales for eCommerce websites.

Lead generation for your company

For example, when a chatbot asks users why they’re visiting your page, this automated interaction can help customers find what they want and nudge them towards converting. From Facebook to TikTok, Pinterest and more, it’s no secret that there are a lot of social media platforms out there, and they only seem to be growing. Without an end in sight and a plethora of platforms to choose from, how does one know which platform will work best for their company? It’s simple, really; some platforms are purely pay to play while others function like a search engine.


From marketing to sales to customer services, chatbots can help you improve and expand nearly every operation of your company. A chatbot is computer software that simulates communication with a real person. Advanced chatbots use tech such as natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML) to analyze user queries and provide relevant answers. The rapid progress of these branches of computer science in the last few years has made it possible to build chatbots that are so sophisticated, they can easily be confused with real people.

Leverage the Best Chatbot for Lead Generation

It shows the number of users that engage with your chatbot on a daily or weekly basis, repeatedly. These users see value in engaging with your chatbot, and they are most likely to convert. Chat volume displays the number of chats your chatbot has responded to in a certain amount of time. This metric indicates the level of engagement your chatbot can offer to prospects.

benefits of chatbot marketing

Marketing chatbots are becoming more advanced and chatbot marketing is used more widely. Their use will keep growing in the future, and they’ll be more visible in different industries for marketing purposes. But chatbots will not replace traditional marketing, rather, they will be an addition to it. This technology is not something you can set up, launch, and expect great results. It will always need improvements and updates, as well as reviewing the results to keep track of the performance.

Zendesk Answer Bot

They may also feel more comfortable chatting with the service bot directly on a web page. Using an omnichannel chatbot lets customers receive service on their desired platform. This capability is one of the key benefits a chatbot yields to an eCommerce business. Powered by AI and machine learning, Samaritan can tailor conversations to match a customer’s needs. It can make product suggestions, provide offers, and guide customers through their journey with complete access to their historical data. Conversational AI in eCommerce is more like talking to a human service agent.

benefits of chatbot marketing

AI chatbots for businesses are basically like online sales representatives who actively analyze the customers’ preferences through conversation and give valuable insights. AI chatbots learn from human conversations to respond like a real person. Natural language processing in AI chatbots helps chatbots to understand the human language. Chatbots will direct customers through the website and recommend the relevant products through different strategies and automate customer communication effectively. Online business owners can provide seamless customer support through AI chatbots. An AI chatbot is an interactive chatbot that will easily jump from one conversation to another.

Omnichannel Chatbot vs. Traditional Chatbot

This is essential because demographics differ for each social network. For example, social media demographics show Gen Z and Millennials made a shift from using to Instagram and make up two-thirds of Instagram users. While others are built for customer care and marketing-specific brands.

What Does ChatGPT Really Mean For Businesses? – Forbes

What Does ChatGPT Really Mean For Businesses?.

Posted: Wed, 28 Dec 2022 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Plus, if you have an account-based marketing strategy, you can give your ideal buyers a fast track to their specific sales representatives. By crafting efficient, always-on chatbots, you can instantly respond to customers and give their time back to them. Not only will this make your customers happy in the moment, but it will also reinforce their desire to do business with your brand in the long term. But, if you fail to deliver quick responses, your customers may decide to take their business elsewhere.

benefits of chatbot marketing

Chatbots can be leveraged to increase business sales by increasing customer engagement and streamlining the purchase decision process. Chatbots increase sales by providing personalized product recommendations, 24/7 availability, and improved customer interaction. Using chatbots for sales can turn first-time website visitors into customers through algorithm-driven personalized recommendations and discounts. This instant response feature of chatbots helps decrease customers’ waiting time to just a few seconds. By handling simple or common requests, chatbots ease the workload of human agents, who can then focus on more complex queries.

How ChatGPT Kicked Off an A.I. Arms Race – The New York Times

How ChatGPT Kicked Off an A.I. Arms Race.

Posted: Fri, 03 Feb 2023 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Chatbots can respond to people on a user’s website based on their activity. In a store, a customer just browsing may be approached by salespeople who engage them and try to make a sale. Chatbots can do the same with customers on an eCommerce site, offering to answer questions and turn browsers into buyers.